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Year 11 Mathematics Group Schedule
SMART TuTor Learning Mine has specially designed Mathematics program for a small class of less than 10 people. During this one and a half hour lesson, students will interact not only with the tutors, but also with their peers, in a conducive and supportive environment.
The syllabus has been broken down into teaching units such as Number, Algebra and Graphs, Geometry, Mensuration, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry, Matices and Transformation, Probability and lastly Statistics. Among the topics available, students are able to select the topics according to their needs, the pace and flow of knowledge depending on the abilities of the students.
They will be exposed to a compelling, and mind provoking questions which cater for their academic growth. Besides, Tutors will provide learning materials related to each of the subject and they will be given past yearly examination and topical questions to sharpen their speed and familiarity in answering examination questions.

Mathematics Made Simple
2016 Year 11 IGCSE Extended Mathematics Schedule
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